@article{oai:daiichi-cps.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000006, author = {大光, 正男 and 曲渕, 直喜 and 下瀬, 和俊 and 森田, 桂子}, issue = {28}, journal = {第一薬科大学研究年報, Annual report of Daiichi University of Pharmacy}, month = {Mar}, note = {One of the basic viewpoints of the six-year Pharmacy Educational System is to improve and enhance the current system to a level where we are able to participate more productively in the international arena. It is realized that a practical command of English is required by an academic in order to participate on an international scale or to be able to even play a part in the global exchange of data/information and dialog (journals, magazines, newspapers or direct contact), hence a fundamental knowledge of English is required as stated in the Advanced Educational Guidelines of the six-year Pharmacy Educational System Model Core Curriculum. These basic skills are required as it will be the pharmacists' and drug design specialists' responsibility to respond/participate in the international flow of dialog in the field in the future. The need for a global perspective and attitude from an educational stand point is reflected in the current Model Core Curriculum of the six-year Pharmacy Educational System. In order to respond to the need for Internationalization of Medical Pharmacy which is fast evolving, we are looking at the training of the medical professional who will play an active role globally, and are trying to tackle the subject of International Scientific Exchange in a positive light. In one instance, an Overseas Pharmacy Training Course was offered to first- through fourth-year students in Northern Europe. This was conducted by The Daiichi University of Pharmacy Supporter's Association. A student questionnaire and SGD (Small Group Discussion) were given after the termination of the training. From the results of the questionnaire given to the students who participated: Q7: Did you feel that this overseas training course directly affected your motivation and learning attitude toward the future? Q8: Did you realize the necessity of English as a tool for learning? Q9: Did you learn about the height of purpose of the foreign students? These questions were answered on a scale from 1-5 (1 being low and 5 being high) in terms of rate of satisfaction and comprehension by 100% of the participants. All answers were either a 4(agree) or 5(Strongly agree) reflecting the opinion that this exposure and exchange was well received. The results of the data collected from the students who participated in this Training program have become a key element with which to think about improvements to motivation and learning stimulus. It seemed that the students who participated in this study became a key with which to think about improvements in motivation which studies touch on and the future pharmacy to Northern European levels.}, pages = {17--35}, title = {スウェーデン・デンマークにおける海外薬学研修}, year = {2012}, yomi = {オオミツ, マサオ and マガリブチ, ナオキ and シモセ, カズトシ and モリタ, ケイコ} }