@article{oai:daiichi-cps.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000038, author = {小武家, 優子}, issue = {31}, journal = {第一薬科大学研究年報, Annual report of Daiichi University of Pharmacy}, month = {Mar}, note = {“Minami-ku University public program” was held on March 8, 2014. I lectured about the relationship between oral disease and dementia. The purpose of this study is to report on questionnaire survey of participant in this program. As a result, participants were satisfied with this program. On the other hand, awareness regarding efforts at university such as non- smoking and university festival was low. In the future, it is suggested that Daiichi university is the provider of health information, as a regional contribution.}, pages = {29--39}, title = {平成26年 南区大学公開講座 「いつまでも健康生活!~健康寿命を伸ばしましょう~」報告 : 参加者アンケート調査から}, year = {2015}, yomi = {コブケ, ユウコ} }