@article{oai:daiichi-cps.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000027, author = {小武家, 優子 and 湯川, 栄二 and 入倉, 充 and 下園, 拓郎 and 飯盛, 惠美子 and 大光, 正男 and 安藤, 伸一郎 and 廣村, 信 and 山元, 誉子 and 入江, 徹美 and 吉武, 毅人}, issue = {30}, journal = {第一薬科大学研究年報, Annual report of Daiichi University of Pharmacy}, month = {Mar}, note = {It is said that pharmacists need to continue to learn throughout life. Lecture meeting of lifelong learning for pharmacist, co-hosted by Daiichi University and Japanese Society of Social Pharmacy, Kyushu Branch, was held on July 7, 2013. The topics of this meeting was the role of pharmacist in community medicine. The purpose of this study is to clarify awareness to this meeting and to use data as a basis of this meeting from now. Questionnaire survey for this meeting was carried out. Results of this study showed that most participants regard this meeting as meaningful. It is thought that Daiichi University would keep to provide pharmacists with this meeting about topics according to needs of pharmacists.}, pages = {73--88}, title = {平成25年度 日本社会薬学会九州支部設立記念講演会・第一薬科大学薬剤師生涯学習講演会参加者アンケートの解析}, year = {2014}, yomi = {コブケ, ユウコ and ユカワ, エイジ and イリクラ, ミツル and シモゾノ, タクロウ and イイモリ, エミコ and オオミツ, マサオ and アンドウ, シンイチロウ and ヒロムラ, マコト and ヤマモト, ヤスコ and イリエ, テツミ and ヨシタケ, タケト} }