@article{oai:daiichi-cps.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000021, author = {城戸, 克己 and 南堂, 佑介 and 福田, 直通 and 村山(田鶴谷), 惠子}, issue = {30}, journal = {第一薬科大学研究年報, Annual report of Daiichi University of Pharmacy}, month = {Mar}, note = {A general method of administering powdered antibiotics to infants and young children, are to dissolve them in water or to mix them in food or juice. However, the infants/children may not want to eat the food if the antibiotic alters the food’s taste. We carried out a questionnaire survey in our University to investigate the taste altering effect of antibiotics on food. The 33 subjects were students and teachers. We investigated 13 kinds of antibiotics (seven kinds of cephem, six kinds of macrolide) mixed in 18 kinds of food. The results of the survey showed no consistent trend, but fluctuated depending on the food and antibiotic mixture. In general though, peanut butter, chocolate spread, and maple syrup all had a positive effect in masking the taste of the antibiotics. These 3 foods could be useful in helping pediatric patients follow the correct dosages and dosage intervals prescribed by their physician.}, pages = {11--18}, title = {食品による医薬品の苦味マスキング効果}, year = {2014}, yomi = {キド, カツミ and ミナミドウ, ユウスケ and フクダ, ナオミチ and ムラヤマ(タヅヤ), ケイコ} }